Adecco Group digitized by Productive24

Jolanta Kozak
Adecco Group digitized by Productive24
1 min.

“Using traditional methods, it would be impossible in such a short time and the agreed budget to deliver a software of this scale” – Mateusz Bednarski, The Adecco Group.

Recently, we’ve informed about the fact that the Polish branch of Adecco Group has implemented tailor-made IT solutions for an HR department.

The aim of the project was to simultaneously digitalize multiple business areas of the Adecco Group, i.e.:

Most importantly, due to the constant changes in the business environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the areas mentioned above were dynamically adjusted both during and after implementation. Thanks to the tremendous flexibility of Productive24 it was possible to make those changes as quickly and as effectively as possible.

Do you want to know more about the project? Leave your contact details below and find out how easily you can digitalize your HR or any other department in your organization.