What are the benefits and uses of the Productive24 platform? What IT solutions were customers looking for in 2020? You can find the answers to these and other questions in the article published on ITwiz. Enjoy your reading! ...
299% sales growth in 2020. It would seem that in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, only healthcare product manufacturers would see similar results. And yet - that's the sales result Productive24 ended 2020 with....
Last year was very tough for many companies around the globe as they needed to face a new challenge i.e. pandemic. It seems like it was a huge opportunity for the IT industry. Well not necessarily. ...
"The system for project management and budgeting built on the basis of the Productive24 platform has met all of our requirements in terms of price, flexibility and achieved level of process automation"- Robert Żyśko, The Lublin City Office. ...
We highly encourage you to watch the latest webinar with Productive24, organized by Andrzej Sobczak the professor at the Warsaw School of Economics and the Robonomika website....
It is with great satisfaction that we would like to announce that the Productive24 platform has won IDG Computerworld's “Best in Cloud” competition in the “Best start-up” category....
"The solution provided by Productive24 has significantly streamlined our procedures, ensuring data security and transparency as well as full control within a single IT system" - Robert Żyśko, Lublin City Office....
Get to know the company and the idea behind Productive24.