We are pleased to announce that HRM Productive24 was mentioned in the latest HR Tech Changer Report which presents innovative solutions to support the HR services sector in Poland. The report was created by the Polish HR Forum....
This year's edition of HR Challenge Poland brought together many HR experts and practitioners, both from large corporations and smaller companies. Speakers shared their insights on areas that organizations should emphasize in the near future in terms of personnel management....
Competency assessment is a perfect tool thanks to which we can easily improve skills of our team and relatively quickly bring tangible benefits to the company – which, in fact, is one of the key HR objectives....
HR Tech is increasingly making its presence in the IT market year by year. How not to get lost in the maze of applications and choose those that meet our needs? The summary “Innovative solutions supporting HR in 2023” published by Forbes may be helpful and shed new light on these issues. The publication also features HRM Productive24....
Are you responsible for designing HR surveys in your company? Take a look at our latest publication on how the HR department can effectively use surveys and how to automate the process of their conducting. Explore our database of nearly 140 questions covering various operational areas and feel free to use them in your surveys!...
Just a few years ago, remote work wasn’t as popular as now. It was merely an option – an attractive benefit – offered by the largest IT or e-commerce companies.....
Are onboarding processes worth measuring? How to measure them? How does process automation help streamline implementation processes? Download our complete guide and feel free to use the database of nearly 90 onboarding survey questions....
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